When Should a Woman Undergo Colonoscopy

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A colorectal cancer also known as the colon cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. In the United States, almost one third of women who are diagnosed with this diseases die. On the brighter side, colon cancer can be detected and prevented at an early stage. We just have to remember that colon cancer is still cancer and is continuously growing and developing over the years.  It is a good thing that Colonoscopy helps in detecting existing cancer in the body making it possible to avoid the illness earlier.

However, women still do not undergo colonoscopy as early as possible due to various of reasons. One reason is that they solely believe they are not capable of acquiring such illness, and that men are more likely to get colon cancer.Another reason is that, women have this presumption that it will be such a painful experience. 

When is the Right Time to Get a Colonoscopy

Knowing the best time to see a Gastroenterologist is important. Theodore DaCosta, MD is a practicing gastroenterologist and an experience one when it comes to colon cancer.

According to the National Guideline Clearinghouse (www.guideline.gov), colonoscopy is “the preferred test for diagnostic investigation of patients with findings on screening and for screening patients with a family history of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer” 

This following factors may consider before undergoing colonoscopy

  1. A family member that has/had colon cancer before reaching the age of 50
  2. A family history of Crohn’s disease
  3. Factors that may constitute to having such type of cancer such as age, race, lifestyle, diet, drinking and smoking.
  4. Someone from the family who has/had breast cancer

Expectations Prior to Colonoscopy

If you think you have the above mentioned factors, it is better to go to a gastroenterologist and have a check up. If the doctor suggested that you must undergo Colonoscopy, then you must be prepared and you must know what to expect in a colonoscopy.

  • Naturally cleansing your colon by going in to a healthy balanced diet
  • You will not be able to remember anything during the test because you will be given an IV that will make you fall asleep and not feel anything.