How to remove blackheads

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Lots of women who cope with oily skin and struggle with large pores wish to remove their blackheads successfully. After all, the black dots immediately make the skin look neglected. Learn how to get free tiktok followers to get advice from people who know effective ways to remove blackheads.

How do blackheads arise?

In the skin, there are small glands that produce sebum. This fatty substance is responsible for protecting the skin. The sebum drains naturally through channels, the pores. However, the pore can enlarge and clog if the body produces too much sebum. In this enlarged pore not only sebum but also dirt from make-up residues or environmental influences are deposited. As a result, the pore continues to enlarge and become dark. A blackhead arises.

Effective home remedies to remove blackheads

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that can really help against blackheads.

Here are the three most effective

  1. Tea tree oil against blackheads

Tea tree oil can be a great way to remove blackheads due to the fact that it is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. However, some people are allergic to it, so it should only be used carefully and selectively the first time to test the reaction of the skin.

  1. Zinc against blackheads

Zinc is required for various metabolic processes. It decreases sebum production, is essential for wound healing, and inhibits inflammation. Since the body cannot store it, it has to be taken in regularly from the outside.

Good sources of zinc include cheese, poultry and meat, grains, legumes, and vegetables such as broccoli.

  1. Healing clay against blackheads

Healing clay removes toxins and sebum from the skin, supplies it with minerals and at the same time promotes blood circulation. So you can not only remove blackheads with healing clay but also ensure a rosy complexion.

Blackheads and large pores: Diet also plays a role

You can also support your skin effectively with a healthy diet. There are various minerals and vitamins that are important for healthy skin. Those who have a balanced diet that is, a lot of fruit, vegetables and whole-grain products absorb these vitamins and minerals in sufficient concentration.

And don’t forget: drink enough. Only those who drink at least 2 liters a day preferably water can supply their skin with adequate moisture from the inside out.