Women And The Industry Of Real Estate

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For men and women wanting to be a real estate agent, one of the most crucial stages to obtaining a real estate license to become a certified real estate agent is passing a real estate test.

However, for several decades, a profession in real estate was regarded to be a world for men. It was a challenge for women to take that career path and enter the industry that until the 1980s women couldn’t even purchase real estate if a male co-signer isn’t present.

Although historically, in the 1840s during the establishment of the real estate industry as a legal business there were women in the industry, it was only in 1910 that the first woman agent have entered the National Association of Realtors since women struggled and made great effort for almost five decades to serve on boards of the real estate. But, with the industry becoming more structured and systematized as well as competitive and welcoming, a growth in the population of female agents in the real estate industry is noticeable.

Women In The Real Estate Industry

As per data by the industry, there is a greater number of female agents in every state in the United States, surpassing the number of male agents by about 50%. This places the ratio of the female to male at 2:1 which brings a completely new facet to the sector that was traditionally governed by males. Hopeful women realtors had to put extra work demonstrate their capabilities just like any other profession dominate by men. Progressively, women were able to reverse that. Today, we witness the rise of increasingly more female realtors.

Do Females Have More Advantage?

With the rise of women in the real estate industry, they too have learned the complexities of the business and took it as a full-time profession, wherein many even independently work as realtors. Not only does this profession provides individual and professional development but also grants women the flexibility to decide on their preferred working hours in the coziness of their own homes.

Usually, some critical aspects of being in the industry of real estate are being able to create equilibrium between work life and family life. Women are known to be good at this as they do a better job at multi-tasking. Although a lot of careers require them to select between set long working hours and working as a home-maker with a caring capability, real estate allows them to implement both these goals as they work with a minimal initial investment and just a phone and/or laptop to begin.