Can’t Go Out and Party Because of COVID-19?

Girls night-outs are definitely, and currently out of the picture as bars and pubs will not be reopening, probably not for a long a time in the U.S. Regions that insisted on opening prematurely might even have to go through another lockdown; Mainly because the number of people who tested positive continue to rise by the thousands, and has now overwhelmed hospitals and other health care systems. In not being …

Fostering Development of Entrepreneurial Skills Among the Youth

Fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills among the youth is tantamount to developing young people’s confidence, leadership qualities, communication skills, as well as increasing their individual value as a team player. In becoming future pillars of the forthcoming generation, their attitudes and outlook will have a significant impact on the global community. Promoting entrepreneurship works best if there is participation among local civic leaders, local government and the local business …